Radosveta Dimitrova

Docent of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Stockholm University


20th IAAH Congress “SOCIAL MEDIA AND ADOLESCENTS’ HEALTH” Aiming to attract an international...
SSEA Newsletter files.ctctcdn.com/da47917d101/425b9cc5-0f72-495a-ad2e-eafca714e15b.pdf

Google scholar citations

29/11/2015 02:08
Google scholar citations 2015 scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=DxKC124AAAAJ

SSEA Call for Abstracts

25/11/2015 00:25
Call for Abstracts Emerging Adulthood: Special Issue for SSEA Emerging...
SSEA New Council Elestions www.ssea.org/about/leadership.htm www.ssea.org/about/dimitrova1.htm
JoA_Roma_2015.pdf (341717) This study investigates intergeneration transmission of ethnic identity...
The Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally (iYCG) of the U.S. National Academy of...
SRCD, EADP, EARA, 2015 (Hydra) mission statement FINAL! (1).pdf (229517)
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