Radosveta Dimitrova

Docent of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Stockholm University

Education and Research Experience

2013  2nd PhD in Cross-Cultural Psychology, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Dissertation “Does your identity makes you happy? Collective identifications and acculturation of youth in a post communist Europe”, Received the 2012 Student and Early Career Council Award (SECC) of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

2008             PhD in Developmental Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy.

Dissertation “The immigrant Child: Psychological and Socio-cultural Adjustment to the Italian Host Culture” received the Best Doctoral Thesis Award in Developmental Psychology, Italian Association of Psychology                                      

2004             MA Developmental Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy

2001             BA Developmental Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy


2015 Docent (Associate Professor) Nomination in Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden

2015 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science-Distinguished Research Grant on promoting positive identity and youth development in Japan and Sweden 

2015 Fall Visiting Research Fellow, Tufts University, USA, Institute of Applied Research on Youth Development, IARYD led by Prof. Dr. Richard Lerner

2014             COFAS Forte Marie Curie Fellow, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden

2009-2013     Researcher Cross-Cultural Psychology, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

2009             Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Education, Brown University, USA

2008-2009   Post Doc, Department of Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy.

2006-2007   Research Psychologist, Brent Centre for Young People, London, UK

2006-2007 Research Fellow, International Consortium of the University of Trieste, Italy