Selected peer-reviewed Papers
Dimitrova, R., van de Vijver, F. J. R., Taušová, J., Chasiotis, A., Bender, M., Buzea, C., Uka, F., & Tair, E. (2016). Ethnic, familial and religious identity and their relations to well-being of Roma in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kosovo, and Romania. Child Development, Special Issue on Race and Ethnicity, CD PAPER.doc (319,5 kB)
Dimitrova, R., & Dominguez, A. (2016). Factorial structure and measurement invariance of the Four Basic Dimensions of Religiousness Scale among Mexican males and females. Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality,
Dimitrova, R., & Aydinli, A. (2016). Acculturation orientations mediate the link between religious identity and adjustment of Turkish-Bulgarian and Turkish-German adolescents, Springer Plus
Abubakar, A. A., & Dimitrova, R. (2016). Sense of connectedness and well-being of Roma youth. Special Issue on Resilience, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, doi:10.1080/17405629.2016.1161507EJDP_2016.pdf (1,2 MB)
Dimitrova, R. (2016). Cohesion, similarity and value in parent-child representations of Albanian and Serbian immigrant and Italian native children. Psychology Journal of Higher Education and Economics, 13, 167–187Drawings_paper.pdf (5063780)
Dimitrova, R. (2016). Ingredients of Good PhD Supervision: Evidence from a Student Survey at Stockholm University. Utbildning & Lärande/Education & Learning Journal, 10, 40-53Dimitrova_IngredientsOfGoodPHdSupervision_REvised.pdf (413419)
Dimitrova, R., Abubakar, A., Buzea, C., & Stefenel, D. (2016). Measurement Invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale in Roma minority and Romanian majority adolescents in Romania, Invited paper, Special Issue on Assessement by Fons van de Vijver, Psihologia Resurselor Umane, forthcomingDimitrova-xFons.doc (193024)
Dimitrova, R., Chasiotis, A. & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2016). Adjustment of immigrant children and youth in Europe: A meta-analysis, European Psychologist, 21, 150-163. doi:10.1027/1016-9040/a000246
Aydinli, A. & Dimitrova, R. (2015). The dark side of multiple identities among Turkish-Bulgarian and Turkish-German adolescents, Special Issue, Journal of Adolescence
Dimitrova, R. & Ferrer-Wreder, L. & Galanti, R. (2015). Pedagogical and Social Climate in School (PESOC) Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties of the Teacher Version in Bulgaria, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, doi:10.1177/07342829155953
Dimitrova, R., Ferrer-Wreder, L., & Trost, K. (2015). Intergenerational transmission of ethnic identity and well-being of Roma minority adolescents and their parents. Journal of Adolescence doi:org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.10.014
Dimitrova, R., & Dominguez, A. (2015). Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale in Argentina, Mexico and Nicaragua, Social Enquiry into Well-Being4_SIIW_Radosveta Dimitrova -282-29.pdf (272837)
Dimitrova, R., Aydinli, A., Chasiotis, A., Bender, M., & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2015). Ethnic identity of Turkish-Bulgarians and Turkish-Germans, Social Psychology. doi:10.1027/1864-9335/a000230
Crocetti, E., Hale, W. W., Dimitrova, R., Abubakar A. A., Gao, C. H. (2014). Adolescent Generalized Anxiety: Examining incidence, gender differences, and identity correlates in a cross-cultural perspective. Child and Youth Care Forum, doi:10.1007/s10566-014-9275-9
Dimitrova, R., Crocetti, E., Buzea, C., Kosic, M., Tair, E., Tausova, J., Uka, F., Jordanov, V. (2014). The Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): Measurement invariance and cross-national comparisons of youth from six European countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000241
Dimitrova, R., & Jordanov, V. (2015 in press). Do Family Ethnic Pressure and National Identity Enhance Psychological Well-Being among Roma Youth in Bulgaria? Special Issue on Roma youth, The Journal of the International Network for Prevention in Child Maltreatment Margaret.pdf (1921207)
Dimitrova, R., Buzea, C., Jordanov, V., & Ljujic, V. (2015 in press). Nationalistic Attitudes and Perceived Threat Determine Romaphobia among Bulgarian and Romanian Youth. Social Work Review revised_Romaphobia_among_Bugarian_and Romanian_youth_Dimitrova_Buzea_Ljujic_Jordanov (1).doc (142336)
He, J. et al. (2014). Enhancement and denial in social desirability: A 20-country study. Cross-Cultural Research, 1-23, doi:10.1177/1069397114552781
Dimitrova, R., Chasiotis, A., Bender, M., & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2014). Turks in Bulgaria and the Netherlands: Acculturation and adaptation, International Journal of Intercultural Relations. doi:org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2014.01.001 TBGTD manuscript.pdf (178301)
Dimitrova, R., Chasiotis, A., Bender, M., & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2014). Collective identity of Roma youth and their mothers. Journal for Youth and Adolescence. Special Issue on Challenges and Resilience of Indigenous Adolescents for Positive Youth Development, 43, 375-386. doi:10.1007/s10964-013-0043-1
Dimitrova, R., Chasiotis, A., Bender, M., & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2014). From a collection of identities to collective identity: Evidence from mainstream and minority adolescents in Bulgaria. Cross Cultural Research, 48, 339-367. doi:10.1177/1069397114523922
Dimitrova, R., Chasiotis, A., Bender, M., & van de Vijver, F. J. R. (2013). Ethnic identity and acculturation of Turkish-Bulgarian adolescents. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2012.04.005
Invited commentary
Dimitrova, R. (2016). A research reaction on the impact of discrimination on young Romani children. In C. Alexander (Ed). Reaching and Investing in Children at the Margins (pp. 50-51). Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences Press
Dimitrova, R. (2016). Positive Youth Development of Immigrant Children and Youth: Why Bother? International Psychology Bulletin, APA, 21, 36-38. ipb_spring2016_4-27-2016.pdf (2532798)
Dimitrova, R. (2014). Being an International Early Career Scholar at SRCD: Why is Important and How We Can Best Reach Out to More International Colleagues? Society for Research in Child Development, SRCD Developments
Dimitrova, R. (2014). Collective Identity and Well-Being of Bulgarian Roma Adolescents and Their Mothers. EARA Emerging Scholars Spotlight
Dimitrova, R. (2013). Who we are. Newsletter International Academy for Intercultural Relations
Dimitrova, R. (2013). How Can Division 52 Best Reach Out to International Students? International Psychology Bulletin, APA,
Dimitrova, R. (2013). Stability and Change of Collective Identity among Youth in Post-Communist Europe. Society for Research on Adolescence, SRA blog